care package

17 Items in Care Packages for College Freshmen

College can be overwhelming for college freshmen. Between learning a new campus, managing a full schedule, and missing life at home, college freshmen will feel unprepared and unsure of how to handle it all. A care package is a great way to send a college freshman some relief and a touch of home. These 17 items in care packages for college freshmen will provide the help and answers they’ve been ...

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Creating a Care Package for College Students

Creating a Care Package for College Students

Receiving a care package in college is a very special and unique experience. Most students check their mail daily, but it’s rare to find a surprise in their tiny mailbox. Some students order things online to enjoy the fun of receiving a package, but every so often someone sends a care package and really brightens up the day. Creating a care package for college students can be simple and usually includes ...

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